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International Business Kids

This group’s parents usually work for multinational corporations, although some decide to move cross-culturally and open businesses on their own.  They move around the world on a regular basis as their parents’ expertise is needed in a different office of the corporation.  Often, these “Biz Kids”, or BKs, live in a community with other expatriates, attend international schools, and don’t develop deep relationships outside of their expat circles.

International Business Kids


​International Business Kids, like other TCKs, are expected to return to their parents’ country of origin, frequently referred to as the home country.  Unlike other TCKs, this group receives very little intentional attention and support from those who have sent them abroad when they return.  The well-known resources in the other TCK communities rarely cross over to this group.  While they may have more financial resources at their disposal, they don’t have the emotional and practical support others have. Military Children (BRATS) connecting the dots at MCWE 2025.

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